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Empowering Marketers with AI-Driven Insights from Data using

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Instead of manual exploration, simply ask things like, “How many MAU did we have last month?”.
Our AI interface processes your query, dives into your GA4 data, and allows tailored visualizations.
Authenticate your Google Analytics (GA4) account with Findly to start using your data.
Adopt early and outrun your competition

Improve decision making by getting information instantly

Connect instantly to all your data sources

With just a few clicks, you can aggregate data from multiple sources, gaining a comprehensive view of your digital footprint. This connectivity empowers you to dive deep into user behaviors, traffic patterns, and engagement metrics across all your websites, ensuring that every marketing decision is backed by robust, real-time data.

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Options to better visualize the data

From customizable charts and graphs that allow for deep dives into specific metrics, our tools are designed to cater to both the novice and the seasoned analyst. Interactive elements such as real-time data updates, drill-down capabilities, and comparative analysis features enable top notch report generation.

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Instant report generation

Export comprehensive PDF reports with just one-click on your conversations. Showcasing all the visualized insights.

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Have Questions? Check our FAQ

How does Findly work?
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Findly uses AI-powered natural language generation technology to allow users to query their database in plain language through a communication tool like Slack. It then generates intuitive visualizations and reports that can be customized, exported, and shared.

What platforms does Findly integrate with?
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Findly offers a streamlined integration with both Google Analytics and Slack. This allows users to effortlessly talk to their Google Analytics data, while simultaneously communicating and sharing insights within the Slack environment.

How does Findly's pricing model work?
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Findly offers tiered pricing options that are tailored to different organization sizes and needs. Pricing is based on the number of users, the amount of data queried, and the level of support required. Additionally, Findly offers premium support and customization options for organizations that require additional assistance.

How do I get started with Findly?
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To begin with Findly, simply sign up for our free plan. After signing up, you can immediately explore the tool. If you need any guidance, our team is ready to assist and ensure that you have everything necessary to make the most out of Findly.

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