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Data Intelligence, a Conversation Away

Start using @Findly to talk with your data, generate scheduled reports, and promote insightful collaboration.
Ask questions to your data sources
And generate dashboards and reports
Convert conversations with Findly into PDFs or centralized dashboards.
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Get insights and dashboards by asking in English

Start focusing on finding insights, not searching data.
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Set up your sources
Play around with data
Visualize data
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Our data visualization feature allows you to turn numbers and datasets into easy-to-read charts and graphs. This approach helps you quickly grasp your performance metrics, analyze trends, and identify areas for improvement or success.

Try Findly
Schedule reports
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Stay informed and keep your team aligned with scheduled reports from Findly. Set up automatic delivery of your most important metrics directly to your inbox at the frequency you choose.

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Generate dashboards
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Connect your insights to a Findly dashboard to centralize all your findings. You can manage insights from each dashboard together, selecting your desired time periods and comparisons.

Use templates
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Jumpstart your data analysis with Findly's template feature. Instead of starting from scratch, choose from a range of pre-designed templates that cater to various business needs and objectives.

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Compare through data periods

Ask Findly to compare data points or manually create and customize comparisons.

Receive interpreted data

Findly can operate over your data using Python to produce insights and advanced responses.

Built to scale
Swift data integrations

Findly's flexible architecture allows seamless integration with various sources. Not finding your preferred one? Let us know

Simple query validation

Our AI-powered query generator is designed for accuracy and reliability, allowing your data team to validate queries with ease and ensure precise information delivery.

Keep control of your data

Security is our top priority. With Findly, your data remains on your server, maintaining the privacy and integrity of your valuable information.

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Start asking

Turn queries into conversations that matter.

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